GRISEDALE TARN, BELOW AND BETWIXT DOLLYWAGON PIKE AND FAIRFIELD. It’s only a short walk from the top of Dunmail Pass and the legend says that King Dunmail escaping the battle in the pass below, threw his gold crown into it’s depths for safekeeping. Needless to say I haven’t found it or I wouldn’t be writing this. Well actually maybe I would. The Brother’s Parting Stone and cross stand just below the outlet of the tarn into Grisedale. William and Jonathan went their separate ways here in 1805 never to meet again. William to fame and Jonathon to shipwreck and drowning. You never know what lies round the next corner do you. The inscription reads ‘Here we did stop; and here looked round’. See my “Walk Ambleside, Rydal and Grasmere’ Walk 20 ‘Rising From Dunmail Raise To Round Grisedale Tarn’.

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